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A Body Scan for The Marvelous Nervous System: Learn how to be calm and in control

body sensations breath nervous system neuroplasticity reset retraining self-awarness stress Nov 14, 2023
SatyaRasa Offerings
A Body Scan for The Marvelous Nervous System: Learn how to be calm and in control

Inside each of us, we have this command center: a marvelous, pliable, influence-able, teach-able, retrain-able system. This system is your Nervous System. 

First, a basic and brief anatomy lesson.

The Nervous System is made up of the Brain & Spinal Cord which is the Central Nervous System (CNS) and Nerves which is the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). The Nerves branch out and supply the entire body and are made up of Nerve Cells called Neurons. 

The Nerves carry sensory and motor information to and from the CNS and the body. The Sensory nerves carry information about the senses: sights, sounds, smells, tastes & feels inside and outside of your body. The Motor Nerves carry information about what movements or actions to do or not to do. 

There are some autonomic (or automatic) sensory and motor functions that you may not even be aware of.

Like the  constant, pulsating movement of peristalsis in your intestines for digestion, absorption and elimination processes.  

On a walk outdoors, your Nervous System is quite active. Your sensory nerves are noticing a cool breeze on your skin, the fragrant smell of an orange tree and seeing the beautiful scenery  Simultaneously, your motor nerves are sending messages about timing, coordinating and sequencing movements to keep you upright and mobile. 

Most of us aren't acutely tuned into all the back and forth messaging, but they are indeed happening.(although, you could learn to tune in if you wanted to..just saying).  Isn't it amazing how exquisitely sensitive this system's designed to be?!?

The point is, the Nervous System is always on. Every moment of every day, your NS is taking in information while awake or asleep. Does it ever get tired and need a rest? Well...it certainly can. 

Do you ever wonder what's happening in your NS when you have information overload? Your command center gets bogged down and backed up with too much information, doesn't it?

Information doesn't stop coming in and out. The world doesn't go quiet so you can take a break. The phone doesn't stop ringing and pinging. Your brain goes fuzzy. Words come out mixed up or not at all.  You may feel irritable. You may stumble or trip while walking....the list goes on and on. 

In an attempt to re-focus, re-organize, recalibrate, we might "shake it off", take a deep breath or close our eyes for a few moments. These are all ways to slow yourself down and let the Nervous System re-organize. It's intuitive. It's hard-wired in you to seek balance, harmony, homeostasis--a baseline resting place that feels calm, in control, and SAFE. 

That's great, Keep doing that....and let's inquire a little further

*What if you could catch yourself ramping up before a complete meltdown ensues?
*What if you could hear yourself talking louder and faster before you unleash a string of profanities at your partner?
*What if you could sense the cloudiness in your thinking before you make a hasty decision? 

Well, the good news is, you can! Remember this..."Inside each of us, we have this command center: a marvelous, pliable, influence-able, teach-able, retrain-able system." ?  

You have neuroplasticity or neural plasticity. This IS the pliable, teach-able, retrainable aspect of the Nervous System that's so marvelous! 

Neuroplasticity is a re-wiring of the brain pathways. It takes PRACTICE. It’s a SKILL to build. 

Mindfulness, living in the present, meditation...these are PRACTICES and SKILLS to learn and develop. Re-wiring your NS requires Attention, Intention, Neutral Observation and Choices. (check out the Free E-book if you haven't already for some great perspectives on these 4 topics). You have more control than you may think. Keep on reading.

Ancient and Modern Sages, Masters and Yogis have been using body scans during meditation to keep the mind focused in the present moment, IN THE BODY!  Listen to the audio recording in this Blog or read the instructions below to experience how it feels for yourself. 

*To help an anxious, busy mind to feel calm and in control. Try this

BODY SCAN: A Skill for building Self-awareness

Sit, stand or lay down
Take a breath in and out
Close your eyes
Tune in to your Body--FEEL IT for a moment. 


Begin to notice how your body feels OUTSIDE of you.  


For example Notice:
the way your body feels resting on the surface under you
the texture of the clothes on your skin
the smells wafting by
the noises in the space around you

OBSERVE, NOTICE and FEEL..don’t think


Begin to notice how your body feels INSIDE of you. 

For example Notice:

the sounds in your belly
the air softly moving past your nostrils
 the thumping of your heartbeat
 the tension felt in your shoulders
the color or shapes you see behind your eyelids

OBSERVE,  NOTICE and FEEL..don’t think


Observe the body sensations come and go
Notice the body sensations intensify and mellow
Feel the body sensationsd moving around


Observe the mind chasing thoughts around
Notice the body sensations
Feel the space between the thoughts or sensations 

OBSERVE, NOTICE and FEEL..don’t think.

Then slowly begin to scan the body.
Begin at the feet and work your way up to the top of your head. SLOWLY

OBSERVE, NOTICE and FEEL.. don’t think. 

When your mind gets fixated or distracted, it’s ok.
Come back to a body sensation and
begin again. 

***Stay in this body scan process until you FEEL a shift in your body*** 

For example NOTICE:
the tension softening in your neck and shoulders
your hands unclench slightly
you may sigh
your thoughts may slow down
you may feel your body getting heavier and settling in


As you bring yourself back to the world around you, SLOWLY

INHALE and sweep your arms up 
EXHALE and let your arms float down
repeat this 2-3 times
bring yourself fully back

Slowly get up and move around

With practice, repetition and consistency, you will build more self-awareness. 

Self-awareness is an essential skill to regulate, re-organize and re-focus the Nervous System. It’s also critical in helping to soothe, heal and reset the Nervous System. (More to come about that…stay tuned)

SatyaRasa Offerings is committed to sharing and offering skill-building practices to help you retrain and  care for your Nervous System. You only have one Nervous System, take care of it!

Now go and enjoy life from the present moment.

Keep Practicing. 
Take care





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