Ā Blog Offerings for a Shift in Perspective
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change? Wayne Dyer.
What do you notice in this picture?
As I sat there and observed and really noticed. What I noticed was a question?
What wins? Nature or Manmade rock?
if you look closely, you'll notice the top...

Inside each of us, we have this command center: a marvelous, pliable, influence-able, teach-able, retrain-able system. This system is your Nervous System.
First, a basic and brief anatomy lesson.
The Nervous System is made up of the Brain & Spinal Cord which is the Central Nervous...
Why am I such a believer in Truth? Because, it's what's so.
Truth is what is underneath all the stories, the layers, the conditioning, the masks etc...aka non-truths.
To get familiar with the Truth we must also get acquainted with Non-Truths.
The Non-Truths are the things...