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Water is Emotion--store it or let it flow?

blockage cleansing destructive emotions energy expression flow water Nov 29, 2023

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change? Wayne Dyer. 

What do you notice in this picture? 

As I sat there and observed and really noticed. What I noticed was a question?

What wins? Nature or Manmade rock? 

if you look closely, you'll notice the top of the wall has been washed away, deteriorated, worn down from water. I would say the water wins. 

Nature is full of messages, when and if we slow down to notice. 

Messages from Spirit of the Water: 

Water can be cleansing. 
Water can be destructive. 
Flowing water can generate a lot of energy. 
Water always finds a way: down, around, through, under, over, in between. 
Water can change states depending on the outside environment: solid to liquid to vapor. 
Water is necessary for life. 

In the psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual symbolism, Water is our emotions. 

Emotions can be very cleansing when you let your feelings flow...like that sobbing, heaving cry or the gnarly sweaty workout. 
Emotions can be destructive. To yourself and also to others when they are withheld or free-flowing...like that time you held in your tears when you got rejected then unloaded on your Mom for asking your help.
Flowing emotions can be highly creative, innovative and productive...like the wild hair you got to write a touching short story and illustrate it in 1 night. 
Emotions will find a way to be expressed...like a high-pitched squeal when you got that job offer you've been wanting, jumping up and down when someone hands you a chunk of money for helping them, like tears that stream down your face when you have to say goodbye to beloved 4-legged furry friend. 

Emotions can and will change depending on your environment....like choking back tears in line at the grocery store, getting to your car and bursting into heaving, snotty mess. 

Just as the flow of your emotions generates energy. Stored up emotions also can stockpile energy. In this case, they tend to create a block, much like a dam on a river. Over time, the dam can weaken and when it breaks loose...watch out!  A gushing, surging, flow of rocks, roots, water and anything else on its path gets swept into the torrent of flowing water. 

When you block your anger from expression, the pressure builds inside...it may show up like a stomachache, raging headache or chest pain until it finds a way around... explosive diarrhea, a barrage of profanities or heart problems.  

Remember the message of Water,  find your flow. There's always a way to express your emotions.

You can move your body.: jump up and down, throw rocks in the water, dig a hold and scream into it.
You can put pen, paint or marker to paper: journal, draw, scribble, paint.
You can use your voice: call a friend, a therapist, a coach, talk to your reflection in the mirror, make a voice recording, sing, shout, sigh heavily, scream into a pillow. 

Remember the words "This too shall pass". 
Water moves and so will your emotions.

Find your flow. 

Take Care
Love, Sonia 

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