What IS SatyaRasa? Satya is the Truth. Rasa is the Felt sense or Essence of Truth.

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Clear your Field and the Truth will surface.

Oct 30, 2023

Why am I such a believer in Truth?  Because, it's what's so.  

Truth is what is underneath all the stories, the layers, the conditioning, the masks etc...aka non-truths.

To get familiar with the Truth we must also get acquainted with Non-Truths. 

The Non-Truths are the things we pick up from the outside world and it can get in the way of accessing our inside world.


Imagine your energy field like Velcro.

You know the poky side of the Velcro that everything sticks to and then the other side that's soft and fuzzy that does the sticking to...When this poky side of the Velcro gets clogged up with threads, sweater fuzz, carpet, hair etc. the other side doesn't stick to it, right? That's annoying.

This "clogging" can happen to our energy field too. It's gets filled with other people's ideas, beliefs, expectations, projections...let's call these things the "extra BS"....they aren't our own.


With the inevitable passing of time and good ol' repetition, we begin to believe these things. We begin to identify with these things. We begin to live these things out.  It becomes us. We become them...and pretty soon, we don't even know what's ours or what's not. 

How can you really get to know what's your truth with all this stuff in the way? 

Let's revisit the Velcro again. How do we get the Velcro to get sticky again?  Well, you have to take your fingernails or tweezers to pull the fibers out of the surface and make the poky side poky.  Then Voila-- the other side can stick to it again. This fine motor skill of pulling out the threads, hair and fuzz is akin to taking a deep dive into your Truth. 


The Nature of Truth is what's so...it's everlasting. It's not going to suddenly stop being true!


The Truth may not always be convenient, yet it is remains the Truth.  Truth is here to serve your highest good. You have choices to align with your Truth...how will you choose?

Are you ready to unclog the field so the Truth can stick??  If so, check out the video above for a simple and effective practice to clear your field and/or keep reading. 



On your EXHALE,  Repeat "whatever's not mine, leave my body NOW."
Emphasize the word "NOW!"
Repeat this phrase several times and command the energy to move out of your field. 
Then take a few moments to notice the shift felt in your Body
Feel the space you created. 


Imagine these words acting like the tweezers cleaning out the Velcro...clear the space in your energy field periodically--every few days or weekly. Notice how it feels to have a clear field...energy is everywhere so you will learn to manage what comes in and sticks to you...it's up to you to clean our your field so what needs to stick, sticks and what doesn't need to stick, doesn't. 

It's a practice, give it a try. 


Check out a few of our sweet moments from the Women's Retreat in N.C. What a beautiful exploration


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